Georgius A.Adam
Adjunct professor at the University of Western Sydney /Infrastructure Research Centre Faculty of Engineering, Penrith Campus. I supervised 46 Master theses and 27 PhD theses at Australian universities and overseas as applied research projects and /or industrial contracts. Currently co-supervising PhD students at Sydney University. Have 46 Australian/USA/, and EU-filed inventions, including (28 USA patents granted and 18 published and filed inventions. Hold 37 IQ patients; several of them were implemented industrially. Authored five textbooks and published more than 250 papers in outstanding international journals and conferences with 369 publications and 4762 citations, as recently reported by ResearchGate. Consulted and managed several industrial projects in Australia and overseas within the research teams for the production of several industrial products all related to polymers and materials application in various fields: concrete hardener, concrete additives (superplasticizers, waterproof, ablative thermal insulators, anti-corrosion), controlled release fertilizers, hydrogels, fire resistant paints, epoxy resins and their hardeners, and other materials such as Ultra High Strength grout, Highly acid resistant hybrid Geopolymer concrete, concrete hardening and concrete surfacing products, production of several industrial products from lignin; the pulping by-product such as surfactants, water-based epoxy resins, and carbon fibers. I am interested in developing new food packaging and additives such as edible plasticizers, stabilizers, and phase change materials for energy storage.
My primary research fields are the preparation & evaluation of new tailor-made polymers for various industrial applications and incubating research ideas such as concrete additives, polymeric composites & IPNs, Hydrogels, active ingredient-supported polymers, soil stabilizers, conductive polymers, food additives and packaging, fruit preservatives, and sustainable environmental projects hydrophilic and hydrophobic active ingredients for dag mitigating agents and hair treatment, particularly natural ingredients this project was supported by AMLC Australian meat and life cattle establishment and applied on the field twice.
Presentation on Nanomaterials and Their Applications
Academic and Scientific Achievements in Australia and Overseas:
- Supervised 46 M.Sc theses and 27 Ph.D. theses, primarily based on applied research and/or contracts.
- 37 National IQ patents have been registered, most implemented industrially.
- 46 Australian /USA inventions filed, including 28 USA-issued granted patents and 18 filed/published patents pending.
- Authored five books on industrial chemistry, polymer chemistry, technology, chemical hazards & environmental pollution.Chemistry of Macromolecules.
- >250 published papers in outstanding journals and conferences.
- Developed several industrial novel products in Australia and overseas, currently in the market within research teams.
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